The student-led movement to end mass atrocities.

STAND Conflict Update April 2024



It has now been one year since the current war in Sudan between the Sudanese government and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) rebel group began, a grim reality for many. Food insecurity is a prominent issue that has affected the region, an issue that humanitarian workers and agencies fear could become worse. The international community has paid little attention to Sudan even as mass starvation could lead to many deaths if not acted upon in the coming months. This has also been compounded by foreign support that has supplied both sides with weapons, which the UN says is an illegal circumvention of sanctions that it has placed to end the conflict. This is dangerous, as it will prolong the already escalating tensions. The United States has implored countries to halt all arms sales and to de-escalate the violence in the region. With fears of a new impending genocide, it is imperative for negotiations to take place and allow humanitarian aid be given to those who have suffered greatly, as they face impending chaos if change is not enacted.

Tigray, Ethiopia

 Ethiopia continues to face a devastating drought and famine, causing millions to suffer. The legacy of conflict has had lasting impacts on people across the country, particularly in Tigray. While hostilities have ceased, it is clear that the problems are far from over. During a UN conference on humanitarian aid funding, Ethiopia, the US, and the UK collectively pledged $630 million in food aid to the region as well in an effort to alleviate famine. This is an important move, but UN funding in general is limited for humanitarian aid. Its $3.24 billion plan is only 5% funded, which severely limits the organization’s ability to get aid to people in need.

Despite the peace agreement reached in 2022, conflict over contested borders has resumed. Fighting recently broke out in the Raya Alamata district, between the Tigray and Amhara regions. Amharan officials have claimed that Tigrayan forces launched an invasion, an accusation denied by Tigray. In response, many have called for disarmament and further peace negotiations.


There has been no progress towards a lasting peace in Cameroon, but there have also been no major clashes between military forces and anglophone separatists or civilians reported in the past month. However, anticipating next year’s elections, opposition parties and civil society organizations have begun mass voter registration efforts, which may impact future decision-making and political engagement.

Outside of this conflict, International Crisis Group has warned of rising ethnic tensions in the Far North of Cameroon, as the Choa Arab people and Musgum people fight over scarce water and food resources. The conflict is not new, but its current iteration threatens broader ethnic violence, including among other ethnic groups in the region. Although the Cameroonian government has made attempts to quell the conflict, it has received little external attention, and more will need to be done to address the lack of access to basic resources.

Southwest Asia 


Yemen continues to become intertwined with larger geopolitical tensions and conflict. On Sunday, March 28th, a suspected attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels involved an explosive detonation near a ship in the Gulf of Aden, near the coast of Aden, Yemen. The vessel’s crew witnessed the blast but reported no damage, and all crew members are safe. The Houthis have been launching drone and missile attacks in the same area, disrupting energy and cargo shipments through the Gulf of Aden. While the rebels did not immediately claim responsibility for this attack, the US military’s Central Command reported carrying out strikes targeting the Houthis, destroying five drone boats and one drone before takeoff from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen. Despite the increasing tensions, there have been no reports of damage or injuries to ships in the vicinity. The Houthis have been targeting ships since November, with the stated aim of ending Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip against Hamas. However, the ships targeted by the Houthis have had little or no connection to Israel, the US, or other nations involved in the conflict. The recent attacks have raised the profile of the Houthis, who are members of Islam’s minority Shiite Zaydi sect. Moreover, reports suggest that the Houthis now possess a hypersonic missile, potentially increasing their threat and putting more pressure on Israel and its allies. Earlier in March, a Houthi missile struck a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden, marking the first fatal attack by the Houthis on shipping.

The ongoing conflict exacerbates the already dire situation for the Yemeni people. Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the Middle East, heavily relies on imports for food, fuel, and other essential goods. Disruptions to shipping in the Gulf of Aden, on top of the 50 attacks on shipping conducted by the Houthis, further hinder the delivery of humanitarian aid and commercial goods, worsening the humanitarian crisis in the country. Moreover, the conflict contributes to instability, displacement, and loss of life, affecting the Yemeni population’s safety, well-being, and access to basic necessities. As the conflict escalates and attacks on shipping continue, the suffering of the Yemeni people is likely to deepen.


Syria remains caught between Iranian and Israeli hostilities after Iran declared it will retaliate after recent Israeli airstrikes on the Iranian Consulate in Damascus that killed at least 13 Syrians and Iranians. Iran has claimed Israel has killed Iranian generals and Syria, being close allies, has fully backed Iran in this conflict. Conflict between Israel and Syria has been long-standing, but this increase in aggression has sparked major backlash from the world. Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian has accused the United States of giving Israel the approval to attack Syria. The United States and Israel are preparing for retaliation from Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah allies of Lebanon. The UN has condemned the attack and Assistant-Secretary-General Khaled Khiari has stressed the need for “restraint” from all sides.

Outside of this conflict, recent fighting left 17 people dead in the southern province of Deraa. This clash between an armed group led by a former state security agent and a rival armed group led by a former member of ISIL (ISIS) follows an explosion that killed eight children the day before.

Sweden has also officially launched their war crimes trial against General Mohammed Hano for his alleged crimes and involvement during the 2012 Syrian War. This trial has received international attention, as many experts have considered this a massive step in holding the Syrian government and military accountable for their actions during the Syrian Civil War. 


Amidst ongoing airstrikes and bombs that recently killed 40 people in Gaza, contributing to the total Palestinian death toll of more than 34,000 people, ceasefire negotiations have resumed. Other estimates place this number at 42,000 after 200 days of conflict. Israeli and Hamas leaders met in Cairo to discuss a plan for a truce, and Israel has proposed an exchange of 33 Israeli hostages and an unknown number of imprisoned Palestinians, free movement between south and north Gaza, and a partial withdrawal of troops. 130 people are still being held hostage and at risk. A top Hamas official claims that they would disarm and agree to a truce of five or more years if Palestine could become an independent state along pre-1967 borders, but it is unlikely that Israeli officials and other international leaders will agree to this. Moreover, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that Israel will invade the city of Rafah, where more than one million displaced Palestinians who fled violence in other parts of Gaza are now living, regardless of the outcome of these talks, with no plan to protect civilians. These tense negotiations are still ongoing, and no final decision has been reached as of April 30.

Throughout this, civilians continue to suffer. The UN asked for $2.8 billion to provide aid for food, sanitation, water, and healthcare, as massive operations are needed to restore destroyed hospitals, roads, water sources, and sanitation facilities, among other things. 70% of people are experiencing severe hunger in northern Gaza, and further escalation could create imminent famine. Also at the UN, Palestine’s bid for full membership was discussed, following a recent veto by the US over concerns about Hamas control over Gaza. The Permanent Observer of Palestine Riyad Mansour called for a ceasefire and a recognition of the right to self-determination and statehood, while the Israeli Ambassador denounced this as a Palestinian terror state. This discussion will be brought up again at the next General Assembly.

East and Southeast Asia


The American fossil fuel company, Chevron, has officially withdrawn from Burma and the Yadana gas project after 30 years of involvement. Throughout their campaign in Burma, they financially enabled the junta and their close allies, the Myanmar Gas and Oil Enterprise (MOGE). Despite their withdrawal, they will continue to support MOGE, which faced partial United States sanctions in October 2023. Posco International, a close ally of MOGE, has also funneled millions of dollars to the junta in order for their Shwe gas project to follow through. Both it and Daneli Group, an Italian steel manufacturer, have faced major backlash for supporting the junta with direct financial support and weapons manufacturing. In an effort to reach a resolution and address this, the UN has urged members to refrain from the export, sale, or transfer of jet fuel to the junta. Singapore has also cracked down on the sales of weapons to the junta after UN pressure.

Conflict continues in Burma as well. The Karen National Group has claimed to have captured one of the junta’s last outposts in Myawaddy. Over 200 junta troops have fled to the Thai border and in a visit near the border, Thai foreign minister Parnpree Bahidda-Nukara urged the junta not to retaliate and called for a de-escalation. The importance of this is clear after reports from UNICEF declaring that the number of landmine casualties has tripled in 2023, with 20% of those casualties to be children. Many Burmese people are fleeing to Thailand and Bangladesh to escape not only violence but also the recent revival of the conscription law. The junta has even abducted and forcibly recruited young Rohingya men to enlist, despite still being excluded from citizenship. 

Additionally, ousted leaders Aung San Suu Kyi and Win Myint have been moved from prison to house arrest as a health measure in response to heat waves throughout Burma. Over 3,000 other political prisoners have also been released this month as part of a New Years amnesty deal.

East Turkistan (Xinjiang, China)

In the month of April, the genocide in East Turkistan continues, as well as the fight for awareness regarding the issue itself. On April 4th, an Argentinean online newspaper published an op-ed by World Uyghur Congress President, Dolkun Isa. Its publication of this op-ed holds major significance as it shows the difference made when other countries become involved in calling attention to the violation of human rights in East Turkistan. The op-ed underscores coercive tactics such as coercion-by-proxy and hostage diplomacy, while continuously highlighting the need for the international community to take action in addressing the situation. The World Uyghur Congress also published a joint letter ahead of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to China, urging him to prioritize human rights and work to put an end to this crisis. Additionally, the European Parliament voted for a ban on products made with forced labor, requiring companies to investigate their international suppliers. However, critics worry that it does not do enough to prevent state perpetrated forced labor like in China. With the cooperation of international communities, a major difference can be made in bringing an end to the genocide in East Turkistan. However, there have still been some major challenges this month as well. A new ban on social media usage by Uyghurs restricts is a concerning act of censorship, accompanied by phone checks and further censorship. Chinese government officials use these social media platforms to deny the Uyghur genocide, and this latest ban stifles dissent. 

North America

United States

April is Genocide Awareness Month, which commemorations four twentieth century genocides: the anniversary of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda on April 7, the anniversary of the Cambodian Genocide on April 17, Armenian Genocide Remebrance Day on April 24, and occasionally based on the Hebrew calender, Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Rememberance Day. On April 15, Representative Trent Kelly (R-MS-1) spoke at the Embassy of Rwanda for Kwibuka 30. He called for the United States to adopt the formal title of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda instead of referring to it as the Rwandan Genocide, which is misleading. Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) introduced S.Res.537 in January to urge the United States to make this distinction. Precise language is important to combat erasure and denial, and to honor the primary victims of genocide. Additionally, Representative Lori Trahan (D-MA-3) introduced H.Res.1156 to designate April 17 as Cambodian Genocide Remembrance Day.  

Alongside this acknowledgement of past genocides, the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza has sparked over 80 student-led protest encampments on college campuses across the country. While some schools have agreed to reconsider investments in the Israeli military, numerous colleges have called the police on their own students to shut these protests down, resulting in the arrests of at least 2,000 students, faculty, and other protesters. Many people were subject to tear gas and other chemical irritants, stun guns, and violent force by riot gear-wearing police.  At UCLA, police stood by for hours with no arrests as adult counter-protesters attacked students with fireworks and tear gas, coming back the very next day to shut the protest down and arrest at least 132 people.

Alongside this, there have been at least 1350 reported instances of antisemitism on many campuses, where swastikas have been drawn and Jewish students have been harassed. Some Jewish students are joining and leading these pro-Palestine protests and some are organizing pro-Israel counter-protests, while others fear the instigation of antisemitism and that they will be targeted for expressing their Jewish identity. Feelings are complex and nuanced on all sides. In response to this, the House of Representatives has passed a new bill expanding the definition of antisemitism to include speech targeting Israel. By redefining Title VI Civil Rights protections to include political criticisms, this bill could be used to further suppress dissent and could be considered a violation of First Amendment rights.



Alishba Waqar is a senior at Westfield High School. She contributed to the Yemen portion of this update.

Anika Gera is a junior at Terre Haute South Vigo High School. She contributed to the East Turkistan portion of this update.

Anne-Sophie Hellman is a senior at Buffalo State University studying History. She contributed to the United States portion of this update. 

Grace Harris is a junior at UCLA studying International Development Studies. She contributed to the Tigray and Palestine portions of this update.

Jerry Harris is a graduate student at George Mason University in the Mass Atrocity and Genocide Prevention certificate program. He contributed to the Sudan portion of this update.

Mira Mehta is a junior at Brown University studying Economics and International & Public Affairs. She contributed to the Cameroon portion of this update.

Seng Hkawn Myitung is a junior at Albemarle High School. She contributed to the Burma and Syria portion of this update.

STAND Statement of Solidarity With Student Protesters

We stand in solidarity with the students across the country who are peacefully protesting the genocide in Gaza and join them in calling again for a ceasefire, return of all hostages, and end to US complicity in this atrocity.  It was reported last week that Israeli forces had killed more than 40,000 Palestinians since October 7, including more than 15,000 children.  Even conservative estimates place the death toll at 34,000.  As we witness the senseless loss of life and destruction of entire communities, we are both devastated and determined to resist these atrocities and the dehumanization of Palestinians.

As student activists dedicated to fighting atrocities, we are inspired by the students who have committed to protesting the genocide in Gaza and calling for a more free, just, and peaceful world.  We are also concerned by the escalation that has come with this.  We strongly condemn any and all instances of antisemitism, which are deeply harmful to our Jewish family and friends and fundamentally counter to our vision of just peace, but reject the blanket characterization of all student protests as antisemitic.  Such a characterization is willfully ignorant and undermines the intercultural and interfaith solidarity that has been built in a joint commitment to humanity.

Unfortunately, we have also witnessed university and city officials mobilize the carceral state to undermine this movement over the past two weeks.  In these responses, we are reminded of the students in STAND’s early days who were arrested for protesting the genocide in Darfur and strongly reject the use of law enforcement to intimidate and punish people calling for peace.  Then, as now, criticism of government policy was an important use of free speech to engage in our collective self-governance; government suppression of such speech is an anti-democratic crackdown on dissent.  Moreover, the UN reported in 2020 that police violence against Black Americans constituted a crime against humanity, and much of the criminal justice system in the US has roots in systems created to support the atrocity of chattel slavery.  To use these tactics against student protestors, then, is an intersection of atrocities and a reminder that a fight against atrocities in one place must be deeply intertwined with the fights against atrocities all over the world.
If you are are witnessing these protests, we strongly encourage you to consider how you fit into the broader movement for peace and to take a step towards it today — whether that be by learning and educating people about the genocide in Gaza, by joining communities in peaceful protest, or by calling on your officials to support peace and end military aid. Check here for ways to contact different federal officials to ask them to take action. 

STAND Conflict Update: March 2024



With the rise in violence in Sudan, the situation has not yet led to any peaceful resolution. Due to this, the UN has urged the warring parties in Sudan to halt the escalating hostilities during the holy month of Ramadan after voting for a British resolution to cease fighting and allow aid to the 25 million people affected by the conflict. This is crucial, as Sudan is heading towards the world’s worst hunger crisis with 18 million people facing food insecurity and starvation. This should make the international community take notice, and the US has already announced that $47 million dollars in humanitarian aid will be sent to the country. With the start of the current tensions reaching its one year anniversary next month, it is imperative for aid to be distributed and a ceasefire be called to curtail violence from spreading further into neighboring countries.

Tigray, Ethiopia

Though Ethiopia’s Tigray region is mostly peaceful now—thanks in large part to a UN-negotiated ceasefire between government loyalist troops and rebel troops— the lingering effects of the conflict remain prevalent. Extreme hunger and famine have struck the region, with stories of mothers deprived of breastmilk and children without food. Moreover, these aftereffects of conflict are compounded by persisting crop failure and drought. During last year’s harvest season, only 49% of farmland was planted and 37% was harvested. UN and US aid was halted after it was found out that Ethiopian government officials participated in a scheme to steal grain. While this decision was overturned, access to aid is still limited.

Another legacy of the war is its traumatic effects on women, who have been the victims of rape, slavery, and other sexual crimes. On March 22, President of the Tigray Action Committee and United Women of the Horn Maebel Gebremedhin published a powerful first-hand account of these lasting effects. An estimated 40% of Tigrayan women were subject to sexual and gender-based violence during the war, and this crisis has continued even after its end. Very few survivors have been able to get the medical and psychological care they need. Importantly, the piece draws parallels between the conflicts in Darfur, Eritrea, and Somalia in how rape is used as a horrific tool of war. 


Conflict between government and separatist forces has continued throughout this month. On March 12, an attack in Bamenda, suspected to have been perpetrated by separatists, killed two people. On March 23, separatists claimed responsibility for the death of an elected official in Babessi. Several separatist leaders have also been killed. On March 25, government forces carried out an attack in the Northwest region, which killed at least seven separatist fighters.  Meanwhile, civilians continue to suffer, as funding cuts to the World Food Programme threaten food aid to the country.

Amidst this ongoing violence, the country is preparing for presidential elections in 2025, but many believe they are unlikely to bring any major change. On March 12, the government banned two major opposition parties, in part due to their relationships with the Ambazonia Interim Government, which is the political arm of the anglophone separatist movement. The ruling party has also been organizing rallies to show support for current president Paul Biya’s re-election. While elections will not take place for another year, it is likely that the current regime will stay in power.

Southwest Asia 


Nine years since conflict began in Yemen, millions continue to suffer. Amnesty International, a prominent human rights organization, has called for global accountability and reparations on this ninth anniversary. Over 18.2 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, over half of the nation’s population. The majority of Yemenis live in Houthi-controlled regions and are unable to receive food aid since the World Food Program suspended distribution in December. Furthermore, funding for aid has been on the decline as well, with many organizations turning their attention to other urgent crises in Ukraine and Palestine. There seems to be no end to the nation’s humanitarian crisis, recognized as one of the worst in the world. While hostilities have declined since the de facto ceasefire, negotiations have failed to create a permanent plan and there continue to be attacks and killings.

Amidst escalating tensions between Houthi rebels and U.S.-led forces in the region, with the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza heightening the geopolitical stakes, a new unclaimed airstrip is being built in a strategic military location in Yemen. Its location on Abd al-Kuri Island is positioned at the entrance of a crucial maritime route in the Middle East. No country has publicly claimed it, but it features an arrangement of dirt spelling “I LOVE UAE,” suggesting potential involvement from the United Arab Emirates, a member of the Saudi-led coalition involved in airstrikes and military intervention in Yemen. What this new development will bring remains to be seen.


The need for humanitarian aid in Syria remains at an all-time high as an estimated 90% of Syrians live in poverty. Without immediate aid, the Syrian crisis continues to have a ripple effect around bordering nations as people are pushed into leaving due to extreme poverty. 

Within the country, violence and conflict continue to harm civilians. In the town of Sweida, Syrian forces shot at protestors, leaving multiple injured and one dead. The demonstrations were in protest of the reopening of security settlement centers, which had been closed for months due to civilian pushback. News that these centers would be reopened to monitor protests and activists sparked this new round of demonstrations in the area. Other pro-democracy protests have erupted again in Northern Syria as this month marks 13-years since the original movement for Syrian democracy first gained prominence in the country. Additionally, Turkey continues to deny responsibility and involvement in multiple attacks against Kurdish citizens in Northern Syria, and Iran has increased strikes on the northern regions of Syria and Iraq, where the majority of their Kurdish populations reside. The Islamic State also attacked villagers collecting truffles in Eastern Syria on Wednesday, March 6, killing at least 18 people and leaving multiple injured in one of the deadliest attacks by the Islamic State in recent months.

Additionally, Swiss prosecutors are to try former Syrian vice-president Rifaat al-Assad on counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Swiss authorities have claimed these crimes date back to 1982 when al-Assad was a commander of the Syrian defense brigade for his actions during an attack in the city of Hama. Even if al-Assad is found guilty, he is unlikely to serve time in Switzerland.


In response to the ongoing violence and atrocities that have killed at least 30,000 Palestinians, but likely more, the UN Security Council has passed a resolution demanding a ceasefire during Ramadan. Every member voted to adopt the resolution besides the US, which chose to abstain. This measure also calls for an immediate release of the people still held hostage by Hamas and a guarantee for access to humanitarian aid in Gaza. However, a proposal to label this as a permanent ceasefire was rejected. While a permanent solution is still needed, the rise in international pressure is notable.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) also recently updated its January order for Israel to do more to prevent genocide and civilian deaths in Gaza. In addition to this, it must also ensure that humanitarian aid and all basic services are provided to Palestinians in need. So far, Israel has yet to follow through with the initial order, continuing to authorize military decisions that put countless civilians at risk.

As is evident, atrocities against civilians have continued throughout the month. The Israeli military recently conducted yet another raid on a hospital in Gaza, claiming that it was being used by Hamas. Thousands of internally-displaced people were using it as a shelter, as much of the region has already been devastated by bombings and war. Many patients and staff were evacuated before the attacks began, but five wounded people were trapped inside and died. Furthermore, Israel will no longer approve food aid deliveries to northern Gaza, a decision that will only worsen the imminent famine. This decision, while made prior to the ICJ proclamation, is in direct violation of their order. Israel has yet to reverse this decision, or make an effort to bring aid to those at risk of starvation, illness, and death.

East and Southeast Asia


Seven political prisoners have been sentenced to death this month, and Burma has faced criticism from lawyers, human rights activists, and political prisoner activist groups for using the death sentence as an intimidation tactic. One of the seven prisoners, Winna Tun, was even sentenced to death twice. The junta has also received immense criticism for an ambush that resulted in the deaths of nine civilians in the Mandalay region. A massive wave of junta soldiers have also recently abandoned their posts and fled to neighboring countries in search of refuge. Many of the soldiers have been repatriated, and the junta has remained silent on the matter. In a response to the mass influx of refugees fleeing from war and the new conscription law, Thai lawmakers have held a series of seminars to address the political climate of Burma. The junta has continued with their plans to enforce the conscription law by opening training centers. They plan to use these training centers as recruitment centers as well, and the junta has passed out pamphlets and partnered with local telecommunication companies to send alerts and information regarding conscription. The Burmese UN Ambassador called on the UN Security Council to immediately halt the conscription law, but the UN has yet to make an official statement. 

There has also been a rise in conflict in the nation. Anti-junta resistance groups recently captured the military base in the town of Hpasawng in the Kayah State. This comes after airstrikes that killed at least four people and injured more than 20 people earlier in the month.  The Free Burma Rangers and Karenni Army were able to rescue over 1000 civilians amidst the fighting. The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) also launched a new initiative to target air bases and outposts near the cities of Myitkyina and Laiza in response to airstrikes from the junta that have previously targeted KIA headquarters. Resistance groups have also been making moves to capture the town of Kani near Monywa, the capital of Sagaing Region, and the town of Rathedaung in the Rakhine State. 61 cities in Burma remain under martial law, and many cities like Mongmit have been destroyed due to intense fighting.

In peace talks brokered by China, representatives of the Three Brotherhood Alliance and junta discussed reopening the northern Burmese-Chinese border and a potential ceasefire. The junta agreed to let the Alliance control Kokang in the Shan State, but any other information regarding the results of the peace talks have yet to come out.

East Turkistan (Xinjiang, China)

This month is Ramadan, a holy month for many Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in China. In a continued effort to suppress Islam and destroy Uyghur culture, the Chinese government has placed a number of restrictions on Ramadan observance. Fasting, owning a Qur’an, and praying have been banned or limited, and government officials have described a desire to sinicize Islam, presenting it as inevitable. 

It is extremely important to recognize the rights of minorities in East Turkistan, as World Uyghur Congress leader Dolkun Isa emphasized in a recent interview he gave. He described his life growing up in the region in the 1970s and 1980s, noticing a gradual rise in restrictions and mistreatment. In his youth he was treated as a second-class citizen for being Uyghur and was even kicked out of university for organizing an anti-discrimination protest, but there was a relative freedom of movement and ID cards were not required. Today, this is not the case. Isa calls for people, especially Chinese citizens, to pay attention to this crisis and stand up for Uyghur rights.

With the rise in awareness about atrocities against Uyghurs, particularly regarding forced labor, the European Union has signed on to a law ensuring that EU companies do not use forced labor or environmentally-unsustainable practices in their supply chains. While this is an important step forward, critics have noted that it only applies to corporations with over 1,000 employees that make a profit of at least €450m a year. This excludes many smaller companies that may use forced labor, a move to protect corporate interests.


North America

United States

March is Women’s History Month, commemorating women’s contributions to society and recognizing the problems they still face. One pressing issue during contemporary times is reproductive rights. It has been almost two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned, which has led to several state bans and restrictions of abortion access. The Supreme Court recently met to listen to arguments related to a common abortion medication, mifepristone. In the United States, two-thirds of abortions are performed with mifepristone, and it is considered a safe and non-invasive option. Abortion opponents want to limit its access, which would deal another blow against reproductive rights. In a recent protest, hundreds of activists chanted, marched and rallied for hours outside the Supreme Court before the justices heard the case. Thirteen were arrested, and many traveled to DC from across the country, showing their dedication to raising awareness about this violation of their reproductive rights.


Alishba Waqar is a senior at Westfield High School. She contributed to the Yemen portion of this update.

Anika Gera is a junior at Terre Haute South Vigo High School. She contributed to the United States and East Turkistan portion of this update.

Anne-Sophie Hellman is a senior at Buffalo State University studying History. She contributed to the United States portion of this update.

Grace Harris is a junior at UCLA studying International Development Studies. She contributed to the Palestine portion of this update.

Jerry Harris is a graduate student at George Mason University in the Mass Atrocity and Genocide Prevention certificate program. He contributed to the Sudan portion of this update.

Mira Mehta is a junior at Brown University studying economics and international & public affairs.  She contributed to the Cameroon portion of this update.

Robert Liu is a senior at Durham Academy. They contributed to the Tigray portion of this update.
Seng Hkawn Myitung is a junior at Albemarle High School. She contributed to the Burma and Syria portions of this update.

March 2024 Lesson Plan: History of Palestine and Israel

STAND’s Education team has put together a lesson plan that includes resources and activities designed to introduce students to key concepts relating to the Palestine education area and the ongoing conflict and atrocities taking place in the region. With this being such a timely issue, we thought it important to put out a resource to help students better understand the historical context. STAND encourages advisors and chapter leaders to adapt this lesson plan for your own use, and do what works best for your members.

download the lesson plan here

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STAND Conflict Update: February 2024



The conflict in Sudan continues to escalate. Recently, towards the end of February, the U.N. Human Rights office stated that the number of people subject to rape, violence, and assault is continuing to rise at an exponential rate. The U.N. Human Rights Council also stated that these acts of violence may amount to war crimes. The UN estimates that nearly 14,000 people have died since the conflict began escalating again last year. However, the exact number cannot be known for sure, as the climate is too dangerous for any reporters to go to Sudan at the moment, leading to inaccurate reporting.

The war has also caused thousands of families to become displaced and seek refuge in countries all over Africa, mainly Chad, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. The refugees who are fleeing the war have no access to food and many other necessary resources. According to the UN, Sudan currently has around 18 million people who are struggling without food and 3.8 million children under five years of age who are malnourished, all due to war and violence. As of late, there is not any sign of the war coming to an end anytime soon.

Tigray, Ethiopia

Ethiopia is working on a transitional justice initiative following the end of the civil war in Tigray. This has been received well by many Ethiopians hoping for stability, although others fear that there will never be true accountability for the atrocities committed against Tigrayans during the war. Previous investigations have been flawed, downplaying the Ethiopian military’s role in these atrocities and failing to even visit the sites of civilian massacres. Furthermore, many Tigrayans feel left out of the decision-making process.

After months of famine and a reinstatement of humanitarian assistance, the UN World Food Program plans to bring food aid to three million Ethiopians over the next few weeks. Food insecurity is on the rise, particularly in Northern Ethiopia, so this expansion is vital. At the same time, violence continues in other regions of the nation. Early this month, the state of emergency in the Amhara region was extended again due to conflict between the military and the Fano militia. Using this pretext, authorities have been able to deny basic rights, arresting people without warrants, enforcing curfews, restricting movement, and banning public gatherings. February marks six months of a state of emergency.


Conflict in Cameroon has escalated, with a wave of attacks by anglophone separatists killing dozens of civilians between the end of January and beginning of February. Fighting between separatists and government troops killed soldiers on both sides. Then, on February 7, anglophone separatists took responsibility for killing four government workers, whom the separatists consider to be government troops due to the military training they receive, even if their roles are not explicitly part of the military. Government authorities reported having freed several other of their workers.

On February 10, fighting erupted again as separatists began a lockdown meant to disrupt National Youth Day activities. This coincided with the February 11 anniversary of a referendum in which people in the British Cameroons (now the anglophone regions of Cameroon) voted whether to join Nigeria or Cameroon, which is a symbolically important day for the anglophone separatist movement. There have not been reports of significant escalations since then.

Southwest Asia 


On February 27th, a vessel navigating the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen encountered a rocket explosion, believed to be the most recent attack perpetrated by Yemen’s Houthi insurgents. This event aligns with the continuous string of naval attacks carried out by the Houthis amid the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, alongside simultaneous airstrikes conducted by the U.S. and its allies in response. The UK Maritime Trade Operations center, responsible for monitoring shipping activities in the Middle East, reported that the incident took place around 110 kilometers (70 miles) from the shores of Hodeida, a port city under Houthi control. The rocket exploded several miles distant from the front of the vessel.

Since November, the Houthis have continuously directed their assaults towards ships navigating the Red Sea and adjacent waters amid the ongoing conflict involving Israel and Hamas. Their targets have even included a vessel transporting cargo destined for Iran, the main backer of the Houthi insurgents, as well as humanitarian aid ships intended for regions under Houthi authority. Even after enduring over a month of airstrikes led by the United States, the Houthi rebels continue to carry out significant attacks. Just last week, they caused severe damage to a vessel in a critical strait and shot down an American drone worth tens of millions of dollars. The Houthis maintain that they will continue their offensive until Israel halts its military actions in the Gaza Strip, actions that have sparked widespread outrage in the broader Arab world and have garnered greater international acknowledgment for the Houthi movement.


On February 2nd, United States forces conducted a series of strikes against Iran-backed militia groups in Syria in response to an attack in Jordan that killed 3 U.S. soldiers. Later, on February 5th, a drone attack on a U.S. base killed six Kurdish fighters. The Iran-backed Iraqi militias, known as the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, have claimed responsibility for the attacks, while Iran denied any involvement in the conflict. These escalations of conflict have invoked the UN Security Council to meet and discuss how best to de-escalate conflict in the Middle East.

Turkiye’s repeated airstrikes on the Northeastern region of Syria have continued to wreak havoc on the region as well. A reported one million people in cities and villages have had their electricity cut and over two million people have restricted access to clean water and medical facilities. Additionally, state media in Syria has claimed that Israel was behind two missiles that killed two civilians in the nation’s capital of Damascus and airstrikes in the city of Homs, which killed at least six civilians. Since the start of the new year, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has documented 13 Israeli attacks on Syria resulting in over thirty deaths. 


The escalating tensions in Gaza have continued to worry the international community as the conflict approaches its fifth month. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) to prepare an evacuation from Rafah, a city close to the Egyptian border where 1.5 million Palestinians are seeking refuge as they escape from increasing attacks in northern Gaza. The United States and the international community have expressed great concern, as Netanyahu has also rejected a recent ceasefire deal and the possibility of creating a Palestinian state, leaving many doubts of ending the conflict. There has also been a global policy response, as Algeria proposed a UN Security Council resolution for immediate ceasefire on February 20, which was supported by twelve other member countries, though the US vetoed it. Despite this, official US positions have also been changed, with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken declaring Israeli settlements inconsistent with international law, which reverses a policy enacted by the previous administration.

Even with talks of a ceasefire, protests around the world have continued to occur, with U.S. Airman Aaron Bushnell setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. He declared that he refused to be complicit in genocide. Tragically, violence continues, and towards the end of this month, over 100 people were killed and 760 injured in Gaza City as people lined up to receive humanitarian aid by Israeli troops. While Israel claims to have opened fire in response to a stampede to the aid convoy, Palestine has claimed that Israeli troops have killed them indiscriminately. As the month of Ramadan approaches next month, it remains to be seen if a ceasefire will put an end to this harrowing conflict that has touched far too many. 

East and Southeast Asia


Burma continues to receive criticism from the Committee to Protect Journalists as journalist Myat Thu Tan was found dead with evidence of torture along with six other political prisoners in the Rakhine State. A video of two political prisoners, Phoe Tay, 23, and Thar Htaung, 22, being burned to death, has spread through Burma and garnered extreme criticism. Despite these repeated criticisms of the treatment of journalists and political prisoners, the Tatmadaw continues to remain silent on their injustices.

February 1st marked the third anniversary of the 2021 coup, and many countries like Australia reacted by imposing sanctions on the junta. Australia has imposed sanctions on two Burmese banks that have funded the junta’s arms purchases. A junta airstrike on a school in Kayah State has left four children dead and multiple children injured. Conflict in regions like Kayah State and Rakhine State has increased, especially with ethnic resistance groups like the Araken Army increasing their campaign against the junta. The number of people who need humanitarian aid in Burma has risen to 18 million people as well. A UN Security Council meeting on February 5th was called to discuss the immediate provision of humanitarian aid to the country. Food insecurity has risen to unprecedented levels, as many people in regions of concentrated conflict struggle to afford even rice. The healthcare in these regions has also been impacted, as many people cannot afford medical treatment and the Tatmadaw is targeting and destroying medical facilities. 

The junta has reinstated the long-forgotten Conscription Law in response to the amount of casualties and desertions the junta is suffering from. Over 6 million men between the ages of 18 to 35 and women between the ages of 18 to 27 qualify. For men and women with a special expertise like doctors, the age range has been expanded to 18 to 45 and 18 to 35 respectively. If conscription is not complied with, one could potentially face three to five years of prison. Major General Zaw Min Tun, the spokesperson for the junta said that 5,000 people will be called each month and conscription would last no longer than two years—three years for technicians—but could last up to five years in a state of emergency. The junta has also activated a Reserve Forces Law which would allow them to send veterans back to the front lines. Because of this, many overseas employment agencies have been directed by the junta to no longer take Burmese workers and neighboring countries like Thailand brace for an influx of refugees after the administration for the conscription law. 

East Turkistan (Xinjiang, China)

In the month of February, the fight for Uyghur independence continues. 61 organizations across the global East Turkistani and Uyghur diaspora have come together to address the United States Congress to recognize the sovereignty of East Turkistan. The United States has pioneered support for the people of Tibet and the people of Taiwan. The people of East Turkistan have called on the US to stand with them and resist the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) nationalism, expansionism, and human rights atrocities. An open letter was sent to the U.S. Congress, highlighting the need for action to be taken to prevent mass atrocities against the myriad of oppressed ethnic groups. The letter acknowledges the support from the U.S. Congress thus far but stresses that more decisive action is needed to address the root cause of these atrocities: the colonization and occupation of East Turkistan by China.  

North America

United States

Twenty-two people were injured and one person, Lisa Lopez-Galvan, was killed during a mass shooting at a Kansas City Chiefs parade following their Super Bowl victory. Two suspects were arrested for inciting the violence during a verbal dispute. The Gun Violence Archive has recorded a staggering 2,387 gun-related deaths in 2024 alone. In Oklahoma, a non-binary, Choctaw teenager, Nex Benedict, died shortly after they were physically assaulted in an apparent hate crime. According to the ACLU, 54 anti-LBGT bills have been introduced by Oklahoma lawmakers in 2024, in addition to 398 other anti-LGBT bills across the country.

This month is Black History Month, which focuses on the contributions and innovations of Black people in the United States and recognizes their oppression, from enslaved people brought to America since the 17th century to the African Americans facing systemic racism today. Because of efforts to suppress information about injustice and false ideas that racism is over, education is necessary. This month is important to honor the impact Black people had and continue to have in the US. There is still so much more work to be done for change.


Anika Gera is a junior at Terre Haute South Vigo High School. She contributed to the East Turkistan and United States portions of this update.

Anne-Sophie Hellman is a senior at Buffalo State University majoring in History. She contributed to the United States portion of this update

Alishba Waqar is a senior at Westfield High School. She contributed to the Yemen portion of this update.

Allison Weiner is a junior at DePauw University studying Global Health and Peace and Conflict Studies. She contributed to the Sudan portion of this update.

Grace Harris is a junior at UCLA studying International Development Studies. She contributed to the Tigray portion of this update.

Jerry Harris is a graduate student at George Mason University in the Mass Atrocity and Genocide Prevention certificate program. He contributed to the Palestine portion of this update.

Mira Mehta is a junior at Brown University studying economics and international & public affairs.  She contributed to the Cameroon portion of this update.

Seng Hkawn Myitung is a junior at Albemarle High School. She contributed to the Burma and Syria portions of this update.

STAND Conflict Update: January 2024



With the start of the new year, tensions between the government of Sudan and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) remain high. While the paramilitary leader of the RSF has said that he is considering a ceasefire, a stalemate with the peace process remains as fighting continues in the region. In turn, Sudan has suspended its ties to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) due to the invitation of paramilitary leader Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo to an upcoming summit that seeks to mediate and bring an end to the conflict. This makes it more difficult to resolve the conflict, leading to a worsening humanitarian crisis as aid agencies scramble to find new routes from South Sudan to give aid to the affected regions despite facing attacks on workers and disease outbreaks. This stalling of deescalation is damaging to bringing peace and stability to Sudan and neighboring countries in the region.  

Tigray, Ethiopia

Although the pause on UN humanitarian aid was lifted in December, the resumption of aid has been slow and many people are still going hungry. Crisis levels of hunger are expected in Tigray and in other parts of Ethiopia according to the Famine Early Warning System. Already, nearly 400 people have died of starvation over the last few months while aid was suspended. This food insecurity directly stems from atrocities committed during the war. Government forces attacked food sources and weaponized starvation against the people of Tigray. They have yet to fully recover. Despite this, Tigray has seen relative stability since the peace agreement was signed last year and there has not been fighting.


Conflict has continued in Cameroon, without any significant escalations or progress towards peace. There have, however, been some efforts to improve the quality of life for Cameroonians. Notably, efforts to re-open schools in English-speaking regions have continued, with some secondary schools opening this month, continuing a trend of rising school attendance. There has also been an initiative to provide people with malaria vaccines, but it is unclear whether or not residents of English-speaking regions will have access to it.

Southwest Asia 


On January 26, Yemen’s Houthi rebels launched a missile at the USS Carney, a United States warship cruising the Gulf of Aden, compelling the vessel to intercept the projectile. This attack was a major escalation in the biggest naval conflict the US Navy has seen in the region in many years. The Houthi missile strike on Friday night also caused another commercial vessel to catch fire. In retaliation, U.S. troops launched a strike near the port city of Hodeida against a Houthi anti-ship missile that was poised for launch into the Red Sea early on January 27th. The attack on the USS Carney signifies the first instance of direct targeting by the Houthis of a U.S. warship since their assaults on shipping commenced in October. 

The intensifying military standoff between the United States and Houthi militants poses a heightened risk of exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. In a nation where aid organizations were already grappling to address pressing needs, the potential consequences of this escalating conflict are particularly concerning. Yemen heavily relies on imports to meet the vast majority of its requirements for food, medicine, and fuel. Humanitarian groups express concern that the U.S. designation may jeopardize the fragile period of reduced hostilities and might encourage other nations to implement their own restrictions. This situation raises fears of further disruptions to the already challenging task of delivering essential aid to those in need.


Syria remains caught in the middle of a proxy war between Iran and Israel. Iran has claimed Israeli espionage and has retaliated by sending airstrikes that have killed four civilians. Turkey remains uncooperative in de-escalating violence as Turkish airstrikes in a recent series of overnight raids have destroyed 23 intended targets in Syria. Violence between Syria and the Islamic State has unfortunately increased as 14 Syrian soldiers have died due to an attack on an army bus in the Syrian desert. 

At least 10 civilians have died in the Syrian province of Sweida due to suspected Jordanian airstrikes. Jordan has made previous campaigns in Sweida to combat the drug trafficking in the region, but both Syrian and Jordanian civilians living near the border of the respective countries have come out and asked for a ceasefire. Jordan has not claimed involvement but is facing significant backlash due to the deaths of women and children.


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to enact emergency measures to provide humanitarian aid to Palestinians and prevent genocide. While it has yet to declare if genocide has occurred in Gaza, this is an important ruling that could serve to improve conditions for the numerous Palestinians under attack. An estimated 25,105 Palestinians have been killed and a further 62,681 have been wounded. Atrocities continue to occur, including an Israeli attack on a hospital serving as a shelter for 8,000 people in the city of Khan Younis. Last week, Israeli special forces infiltrated another hospital disguised as civilians and staff to kill three men. While Israel has claimed that Hamas is using hospitals as a cover for military operations, these attacks endanger civilians.

Despite this, peace talks are underway. U.S. officials have proposed an initial 30-day temporary ceasefire aimed at facilitating the release of remaining female, elderly, and wounded Israeli hostages. Subsequently, a second 30-day pause would be proposed for the release of Israeli soldiers and male hostages, coinciding with an increase in the flow of aid allowed into Gaza. The intention behind the cessation of hostilities is to create an opportunity for the negotiation of a more enduring, long-term ceasefire, but without a permanent end, violence may continue. Neither side can agree, as Hamas has rejected any deal that does not guarantee this permanent ceasefire and Israel has done the same for any deal involving a Palestinian state.

At the same time, Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Finland have joined the United States, Australia, and Canada in suspending funding for UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine). The decision comes after UNRWA initiated an investigation into twelve staff members accused of participating in the October 7 attack led by Hamas, resulting in 1,140 casualties. Nine have since been fired, two are under investigation, and one remains unidentified. This funding pause is expected to exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, as Palestinians have cautioned. Prior to the conflict, about half of Gaza’s population heavily relied on UNRWA assistance, which includes essential services such as education, medical care, support for local bakeries, and the operation of desalination plants to ensure access to clean water.

East and Southeast Asia


Conflict has continued throughout the month as ethnic resistance groups clashed with the Burmese military. The Araken Army claimed control over the town of Palewa near the border shared with India and Bangladesh, and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army took over the town of Kokang in the northern Shan State. China managed to broker a temporary ceasefire on January 12 between Burma and an alliance of multiple armed groups, but issues arose. Both sides agreed to cease attacks, but fighting broke out again two days after the agreement was made.

The military junta has also faced backlash for not releasing a single political prisoner among the over 9,000 prisoners pardoned in celebration of Burma’s Independence Day. Experts have classified this move as an appeal by the Tatmadaw to promote progress, improve their image, and erase their injustices and crimes. This move was also heavily criticized by Burmese citizens as a political prisoner Ko San Lin San was beaten to death by the Tatmadaw and filmmaker Shin Daewe was sentenced as life-sentence on the grounds of terrorism.

East Turkistan (Xinjiang, China)

On January 19, East Turkistan Genocide Recognition and Remembrance Day took place. The day serves as a day of remembrance for those persecuted in East Turkistan and to remind that the genocide of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and other Turkic peoples is still ongoing. Three years before, the United States formally recognized China’s atrocities committed against ethnic minorities in the region. Millions are still enslaved in ethnic cleansing concentration camps in inhumane conditions. They are forced to give up their entire cultural background and have had numerous violations of basic human rights, ranging from being forced to eat meat against their will to being subjected to forced sterilization, a measure in effect to essentially wipe out their population. Thus, this day is not only extremely important to honor victims in East Turkistan, but also to educate people across the world and encourage global support. 

North America

United States

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January 27, which commemorates the 79th anniversary of the Soviet army’s liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp. The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany released a demographic report that reveals there are 245,000 Jewish Holocaust survivors alive today – 16% of which live in the United States. Around 95% of survivors were children during the Holocaust who now range in age between 79 and 96. As the population of Jewish Holocaust survivors grow older, it is vital to preserve the history of the Holocaust by supporting legislation like the Holocaust Education and Antisemitism Lessons Act (H.R.603) and state-level genocide education initiatives, such as the new bill proposed by Washington state (Senate Bill 5851). Adding to the urgency of this issue, the Anti-Defamation League has recorded 3,291 antisemitic hate incidents in the last three months alone, a close second to the amount recorded during the entire year of 2022. 

Additionally, the United States is considering expanding the Family Expedited Removal Management program, which rushes asylum-seeking families through the deportation process within a few days of arrival before they get a chance to get a lawyer, prepare their case, or present it properly. It is also a program of mass surveillance, requiring ankle monitors, curfews, and GPS tracking. This news is concerning for human rights, and comes at the same time as many politicians are calling for crackdowns on undocumented immigration. A group of 61 Republican members of the House of Representatives declared that they will not support any national defense spending bill without hardline immigration legislation including the return of the Remain in Mexico policy.


Alishba Waqar is a senior at Westfield High School. They contributed to the Palestine and Yemen portion of this update.

Anika Gera is a junior at Terre Haute South Vigo High School. She contributed to the United States and East Turkistan portion of this update.

Anne-Sophie Hellman is a senior at Buffalo State University majoring in History. She contributed to the United States portion of this update. 

Grace Harris is a junior at UCLA studying International Development Studies. She contributed to the Tigray portion of this update.

Jerry Harris is a graduate student at George Mason University in the Mass Atrocity and Genocide Prevention certificate program. He contributed to the Sudan portion of this update.

Mira Mehta is a junior at Brown University studying Economics and International & Public Affairs. She contributed to the Cameroon portion of this update.

Seng Hkawn Myitung is a junior at Albemarle High school. She contributed to the Burma and Syria portion of this update.

STAND Conflict Update: December 2023



Throughout this month, tensions have escalated between Sudan’s military and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). International pressure has mounted with the United States State Department finding both sides of the conflict at fault for committing mass atrocities in the region. While this is an important step, it remains to be seen if any future actions will take place as a result of these findings. Heavy fighting also continues, and the RSF has taken control of the city of Wad Madani after previously being repelled after three days of fighting. This in turn has worsened conditions for civilian safety. The UN has reported that up to 300,000 people have been forced to flee their homes in the city, previously a safe haven to escape from the violence. With the growing humanitarian crisis looming on and countless civilians with nowhere left to turn, the situation seems dire as the almost year-long conflict leaves the year off on a bleak note. An appropriate international response is needed to ensure safety and security as the new year begins anew.

Tigray, Ethiopia 

While the war has ended, instability is far from over in Ethiopia. The destruction of agricultural infrastructure, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, and a recent drought and locust infestation have resulted in a famine in Tigray, although the Ethiopian government denies it. The lasting effects of conflict have brought about a humanitarian crisis. Aid from the US and UN is set to resume soon, and Ethiopia has mobilized to support people affected by the drought, but countless Tigrayans are still suffering.

Additionally, Tigray was not the only conflict that has affected the nation. The Ethiopian government is at war with the Fano militia in the Amhara region, and has used drone strikes indiscriminately. Over the past few weeks, drone strike attacks have increased, killing as many as 30-40 on December 10. Like in Tigray, this has been denounced as a form of collective punishment that harms fighters, civilians, and Amhara society as a whole. Many hope for an end to this conflict as well.


While there have not been any major updates in the direct conflict in Cameroon this past month, civilians continue to suffer the consequences of violence. The UN Office for Coordination on Humanitarian Affairs reported that 2.9 million people were affected by food insecurity and malnutrition between October and December of this year alone. Many civilians have been displaced by violence as well, including the destruction of homes in attacks last month. There have also been 142 cholera cases reported so far.

Southwest Asia 


Houthi forces have continued attacks on commercial ships bound for Israel, and leaders have pledged not to stop until a ceasefire is reached in Gaza. The US warned that a peace deal reached between Saudi and Houthi leaders would fail if these attacks continued. Then, on December 18, the US government announced Operation Prosperity Guardian, which will establish a multinational coalition to militarily counter Houthi operations in the Red Sea. The coalition includes Greece, Italy, the UK, and several other countries.

The Biden administration is considering easing restrictions on weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. In 2021, President Biden had announced an end to support for offensive operations in Saudi Arabia, but may soon reverse this decision as a result of the reduction in violence in Yemen. It remains to be seen whether violence will escalate within Yemen given the recent increase in tensions with the US.


This year, 1032 civilians have been killed in Syria, 91 in the month of December alone. On one such instance on December 17th, seven were killed and twenty were injured in Idlib from a Syrian military bombing. Twelve years after the Syrian Civil War, the Internation Court of Justice (ICJ) has finally released information regarding the Syrian government’s torture program. The Court has ruled that the Syrian government must act to prevent the torture of detainees and cannot destroy any evidence regarding their unlawful acts and human rights violations. Desepite this ruling, torture remains a problem in the nation, as 133 of the 1032 deaths were caused by torture,

Despite ongoing need, the World Food Program (WFP) has announced that it will end its assistance program in Syria in January. This decision affects over 12 million displaced Syrian citizens who do not have a reliable food source. The WFP has claimed that this decision was made because of budget cuts, acknowledging that millions of Syrians would be harmed and food insecurity in Syria is at an all-time high. Simultaneously, the World Health Organization (WHO) has strengthened its health responses in northern Syria due to the rise in military attacks and public health emergencies. 


December 7th marked two months since the beginning of escalated violence in Gaza. The temporary pause in fighting put in place at the end of November has also ended. More than 100 Israeli hostages are still believed to be in Gaza. Israel recently admitted to mistakenly shooting three hostages while in Gaza. In this time, more than 20,000 Palestinians have reportedly been killed by the Israeli military, including 8,800 children. An additional 55,000 people have reportedly been injured in the attacks.

The UN has found that about 1.9 million people, over 80% of Gaza’s population, have been displaced since violence escalated. It has also declared Gaza to be the most dangerous place for journalists, as at least 64 have been killed in this period. The UN also finds hospitals in Gaza to be unsafe, as they are often occupied by military soldiers. While Israel has begun to allow aid into Gaza through inspected trucks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed that the war will be a long fight. 

The global response to the conflict has begun to shift slightly. Recently, US officials have begun to apply more pressure on Israel in response to mass civilian death. Officials continue to meet with Israel to plan for the future of the conflict. However, the US vetoed a recent UN resolution of immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and the UN Security Council has delayed votes for further resolutions. They hope to gain US support on future votes, in place of the previous veto.

East and Southeast Asia


Due to recent losses in the Shan state and ethnic resistance groups, the Burmese military junta has responded by hoarding mass imports of diesel to maintain military operations, worsening the country’s fuel crisis. Many fuel stations across the country have run out of supply while many citizens and cities face regular power shortages. 

China remains a powerful influence on the coup as it was able to force the Arakan Army (AA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) to agree to a ceasefire regarding their seizure of Tatmadaw posts along the Chinese-Burmese border. The junta has recently strengthened their relationship with China as the Chinese government has cracked down on border cities like Kokang and communication has increased between Burma and Russia. Despite this ceasefire, the Three Alliance Brotherhood has urged the nation to continue to resist junta efforts

The UN has reported that the coup and civil war has displaced more than 2.6 million people, a number that grows daily as fighting increases in regions like Loikaw, Khampat, and Laiza, with increased attacks near the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) headquarters in the latter city.

East Turkistan (Xinjiang, China)

 In the month of December, the United States has barred imports from three more Chinese companies associated with Uyghur forced labor and other Chinese minorities: COFCO Sugar Holding, Sichuan Jingweida Technology Group, and Anhui Xinya New Materials. These companies will be added to those prohibited by the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA Public Law No. 117-78). Their addition will bring the total number of companies on the list to 30. In response, the Chinese Embassy has called this an action based on lies and said that the United States is curbing Chinese development and undermining the stability of the region of East Turkistan (Xinjiang). It’s extremely important to both recognize the United States’ efforts regularly in calling out the crimes against humanity in the East Turkistan region, as well as understanding and recognizing Chinese attempts to deny such allegations.

Earlier this month, representative Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., warned of a trade policy loophole which could potentially make the United States complicit in the Chinese government’s genocide of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in East Turkistan. Blumenauer, a highly respected human rights advocate of a House Ways and Means Committee, alerted that there is a loophole in the de minimis threshold allowing for the import of packages valued at 800 dollars or less to enter the U.S. These imports undergo a simplified inspection where no fees or taxes are paid, resulting in the selling of forced labor goods to U.S. consumers. Closing enforcement gaps is crucial in order to reinforce the rights of those being persecuted, as well as identify the wrongdoings of the Chinese government.

North America

United States

December 9 memorialized the 75th anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as well as the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and the Prevention of this Crime. To commemorate the anniversary, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released a press statement announcing that the Department of State and the Department of the Treasury have imposed sanctions on thirty-seven perpetrators of human rights abuses in thirteen countries, including China, South Sudan, and Syria.

Regarding US laws and policies, several notable events have taken place over the last month. On November 29, the Uyghur Policy Act (H.R. 2766) passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This action will allow the United States to respond more effectively to the persecution of the Uyghurs in East Turkistan, China. The Texas Supreme Court, however, has ruled against a woman seeking an abortion for an unviable chromosome disease. This ruling comes a week after her request was granted by a district court. With regards to abortion rights nationwide, the Supreme Court plans to hear a case regarding mifepristone, the most widely-used abortion medication in the country. Banning or restricting it would drastically limit the ability of people to get abortions, even in states without anti-abortion policies. In better news, it declined a case challenging a ban on gay conversion therapy, a decision that was opposed by right-wing judges Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito. However, 75 anti-lgbt bills were signed into law this year, a concerning statistic in an increasingly hostile country. This is a precarious situation for anyone who isn’t a straight, white, cisgender man.


Anika Gera is a junior at Terre Haute South Vigo High School. She contributed to the United States and East Turkistan portion of this update.

Anne-Sophie Hellman is a senior at Buffalo State University majoring in History. She contributed to the United States portion of this update.

Grace Harris is a junior at UCLA studying International Development Studies. She contributed to the Tigray portion of this update.

Jerry Harris is a graduate student at George Mason University in the Mass Atrocity and Genocide Prevention certificate program. He contributed to the Sudan portion of this update.

Krisna Kumar is a senior at Friends School of Baltimore. She contributed to the Palestine portion of this update.

Mira Mehta is a junior at Brown University studying Economics and International & Public Affairs.  She contributed to the Cameroon and Yemen portions of this update.

Seng Hkawn Myitung is a junior at Albemarle High School. She contributed to the Burma and Syria portions of this update.

STAND Conflict Update: November 2023



Fighting has escalated further in the region with Sudan’s military and the Rapid Support Force (RSF) battling for control. Most of the recent fighting has taken place in the Darfur region and near the capital city of Khartoum. This genocide has left more than 9,000 people dead and 5.6 million people displaced within the last seven months. It seems to be following similar patterns to the Darfur Genocide in the early 2000s. As the RSF makes rapid gains, civilians continue to be caught in the crosshairs. The UN has denounced atrocities committed against Darfurians as pure evil. With the recent rise in escalation of the conflict, the United States and others have renewed calls to end the fighting and restart peace talks. Hopefully tensions can calm and lead to negotiations, which are vastly needed for the country and those affected by the violence.

Tigray, Ethiopia

November 2 marked one year since the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front signed a peace agreement. Despite this, many human rights abuses have continued, committed by neighboring Eritrean forces, the Ethiopian military, and Fano militias. Mass killings, sexual violence, and the ethnic cleansing of Tigrayans have been significant atrocities in the nation. In the region of Amhara, a state of emergency placed the region under military control, blocked internet access, banned public gatherings, and allowed for searches and arrests without a warrant. It has yet to be lifted.

Although USAID suspended food aid to Ethiopia last March, it has recently reinstated it for a one-year trial period. It plans to monitor the program to prevent further theft and corruption, the cause of their initial suspension. Over 20 million people were in need of aid in the nation in 2023 because of conflict. Although the new program does not begin until December, it will hopefully make a difference.


Violence in Cameroon has continued without any progress towards peace. On November 6, a group of anglophone separatists carried out an attack in Egbekaw village in the western region of the country. The government reported that 25 people, including one child, were killed. No group officially claimed responsibility for the attack, but the government has accused the Manyu Unity Warriors. Separatists carried out a second attack on a market in a French-speaking area on November 21. They reportedly kidnapped 10 civilians in addition to looting and burning down businesses. The UN has called for the release of these villagers, but there have not yet been any more updates.

Southwest Asia 


 The Houthis in Yemen have continuously shown their opposition to the Israeli government. They have joined in the conflict in retaliation for the Israeli army’s bombardments of Gaza. On November 27th, Houthi forces fired two ballistic missiles towards a US warship carrying phosphoric acid, but the missiles landed in the water. The week before, on November 20th, the Houthi forces seized an Israeli-linked cargo ship, taking 25 crew members hostage. According to Houthi rebels, any ship belonging to the Israeli government will be targeted until the end of Israel’s campaign against Hamas. The Houthis have warned ships flying with the Israeli flag in the Red Sea, indicating that their ships are possible targets of violence.

Due to these actions, there are increased fears of the Israel-Hamas conflict widening, worsening violence in already war-torn Yemen. Responsive US or Israel strikes are likely to activate global involvement. Further provocations could possibly close Yemen’s ports to international shipping, putting immense pressure on the Yemeni people with the ongoing crisis of food insecurity and malnutrition. Their attacks may threaten the possibility of a new peace agreement with Saudi Arabia and there is pressure to redesignage them as a terrorist group, which would further hinder any deals.


A recent hearing in the International Court of Justice has found the Syrian government guilty of torture and declared that it must end the practice and work to protect the rights of civilians. France also issued arrest warrants for President Bashar al-Assad and three other important government officials for their use of chemical weapons, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Accountability is important to prevent further atrocities.

Additionally, conflict has continued this month. ISIL, also known as ISIS, still has a strong presence in the country and killed at least 30 soldiers in the military and pro-government militias. Both the United States and Russia are involved in the conflict as well, sending airstrikes and bombs. Tensions remain high throughout the country, and experts worry that conflict could escalate. 


Qatar mediated a temporary ceasefire in Gaza, which lasted only through November 30. As part of this agreement, Hamas released more than 100 hostages, and Israel released more than 200 Palestinians detained in Israeli prisons. Approximately 100 hostages have yet to be freed, while about 1,800 Palestinians are still held in Israel without charges or a trial. Part of the deal also detailed that humanitarian aid including food, water, and fuel are allowed to enter through Gaza’s ports.

Despite this progress, some violence continued during the ceasefire. Israel accused Hamas of violating the agreement. Israeli forces, however, also continued attacks in the West Bank and even killed at least eight Palestinians there during the ceasefire. They also warned people not to return to Gaza and opened fire on people who attempted to do so. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced plans to continue attacking Gaza following the ceasefire, and violence is likely to escalate. The conflict has already killed approximately 1,200 Israelis and 15,000 Palestinians, and displaced over 2.3 million Palestinians.

East and Southeast Asia


As U.S. lawmakers continue to delay the finalization of the 2024 budget, the matter of U.S. humanitarian aid to Burma has been delayed until early 2024. Lawmakers are planning to pass a short-term resolution that would run until early 2024 that would fund the BURMA Act and other policies, but many activists are concerned that the delay and the lack of bipartisan communication may jeopardize the effectiveness of the BURMA Act. While the US has yet to do so, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, and Canada have joined the genocide case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that accuses Burma of committing genocide against the Muslim Rohingya ethnic group.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance, an ethnic resistance group, has launched dozens of coordinated attacks on military outposts in the northern part of the Shan state after capturing the border town of Shwe Haw. The alliance continues to gain ground and the junta has responded by sending fighter jets to bomb the areas reclaimed by the alliance, admitting that they are facing heavy assaults from anti-coup groups. This fighting in the Shan state has left 70 casualties and many residents have found themselves in a humanitarian crisis as resources decrease and environmental conditions worsen with heavy rain and a 5.7 magnitude earthquake.

As fighting on the border between the Chin state and India increases as well, many Burmese people have fled to India to escape the intense conflict. Resistance groups have taken over many towns and more than 100 security outposts from the Burmese military. However, as the situation calmed, over 5,000 people  were able to return to Burma. In an update from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as of November 9th, almost 50,000 people from the northern part of the Shan state have been displaced due to the escalating conflict between the junta and the resistance groups. An additional 40,000 people from the Sagaing region and Kachin state have been displaced as well. 

East Turkistan (Xinjiang, China)

This month, the historic 9th East Turkistan General Assembly concluded on a positive note in Washington D.C. The assembly discussed many ideas regarding the strengthening of the East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE), and how the national independence of East Turkistan can be secured. Emphasis was placed on the goal to strategize practical measures of addressing the ongoing genocide against Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other Turkic peoples. The assembly ended with new government leadership, including a new president and a 4 year strategic plan to advance East Turkistan’s cause for national independence. A 12 point Declaration was also adopted, focusing on the key resolutions of the ETGE and calling for the East Turkistan Diaspora and community to support the struggle for independence, providing necessary hope for the recognition of the crimes against humanity committed against Turkic peoples, and the sovereignty of the East Turkistan region.

The United States recently made the decision to lift the authority from the Chinese Ministry of Public Security’s Institute of Forensic Science in Beijing. This is extremely concerning as the IFS was previously removed from the U.S. entity list mid-November, prompting worry over involvement in national security and human rights. Although the United States has stated that the delisting of the IFS does not correlate to the removal of sanctioning, critics voice their dismay over the IFS genetic research targeting Uyghurs. Although more information is yet to come, more awareness must be raised over the safety of the Uyghur people as the intentions of the IFS are unclear and China has explained the move as a counternarcotics effort.

North America

United States

In November, many people celebrated Thanksgiving, while others marked the day as the National Day of Mourning to remember the genocide of Indigenous peoples by European colonizers. This is a day of protest and remembrance and draws attention to false narratives about peaceful pilgrims that are often shared on the holiday.

Within the United States, other human rights abuses have taken place as well. The UN Human Rights Committee has criticized the country for recent discriminatory legislation targeting members of the LGBTQ community by restricting access to gender-affirming care, preventing transgender people from joining sports teams or using bathrooms that align with their gender identity, banning books, and censoring classroom discussions. 

Since violence in Israel and Palestine escalated in early October, there has been a spike in antisemitic and Islamophobic hate incidents in the United States. Notably, three 20 year-old Palestinian college students were shot while they were walking before a Thanksgiving dinner in Burlington, Vermont. The shooting is being investigated as a likely hate crime.


Alishba Waqar is a senior at Westfield High School. She contributed to the Yemen and Palestine portions of this update.

Anika Gera is a junior at Terre Haute South Vigo High School. She contributed to the United States and East Turkistan portions of this update.

Anne-Sophie Hellman is a senior at Buffalo State University majoring in History. She contributed to the United States portion of this update.

Grace Harris is a junior at UCLA majoring in International Development Studies. She contributed to the Tigray and Syria portions of this update.

Jerry Harris is a graduate student at George Mason University in the Mass Atrocity and Genocide Prevention certificate program. He contributed to the Sudan portion of this update.

Mira Mehta is a junior at Brown University. She contributed to the Cameroon portion of this update.

Seng Hkawn Myitung is a junior at Albemarle High School. They contributed to the Burma portion of this update.

STAND Conflict Update: September and October 2023



Since the start of the war in April, fighting has continued between Sudan’s military and the Rapid Support Force (RSF), a rival paramilitary group. This has resulted in a humanitarian crisis that has displaced five million people who have fled to neighboring countries. The United States has imposed sanctions on the RSF due to human rights abuses and pledged $163 million dollars in aid to help with responding to this crisis. Not only has violence engulfed the region, but disease has also been spreading to fleeing communities. In the eastern part of Sudan, cholera and dengue fever outbreaks have been spreading due to overcrowded conditions in refugee camps. This has put a strain on resources, making the need for humanitarian aid even greater.

Humanitarian aid workers have described relief work amidst the conflict as planning for the apocalypse as more armed groups have joined the conflict and violence has spread to other parts of the country, exacerbating existing problems. Because of this, the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution to investigate any human rights abuses in the country. As the conflict reaches its sixth month, peace talks are still on the table to resolve the conflict and end the violence despite existing tensions. Both the Sudanese military and the RSF have once again began negotiations. There have been nine previous ceasefire agreements, but all have failed to end the conflict. There are still fears of this one being broken as the RSF claims to have taken control of Sudan’s second largest city and recently seized an airport as well. Nonetheless, it is a positive sign.

Tigray, Ethiopia

Nearly a year after the war ended, atrocities are still taking place in Tigray. The UN has found that the Ethiopian government failed to protect Tigrayans from violence and human rights abuses at the hands of militia groups and Eritrean troops who have yet to leave the country despite the demands of the ceasefire agreement. This heightens the risk of further conflict, particularly since all eight of the most common genocide and atrocity risk factors are present in Ethiopia.

Despite this, the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia (ICHREE) was not renewed by the UN for this year. Members of the investigation emphasized the importance of further work in the region, particularly since conditions have declined since the ceasefire.

Furthermore, Tigray remains in desperate need of aid. Around 5.4 million people out of the region’s total population of 6 million require humanitarian assistance, which was suspended in March. While corrupt officials conspired to steal grain, leading to the implementation of this policy, it has only put vulnerable people at risk of starvation.


In September, the Cameroonian military conducted a raid that killed a separatist leader and four collaborators and displayed his body in a public square. Some separatist leaders claimed that government troops were also killed during this raid, though official government sources deny this. In the aftermath of this incident, violence has continued, including separatists’ execution on October 4 of two civilians accused of being spies.

On October 6, US Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas announced that the US would extend and redesignate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Cameroonians. This status allows people to legally live and work in the US for a specified time period, typically while they are fleeing a crisis. Approximately 2,000 Cameroonians have already been granted TPS and will be able to stay in the US until June 2025 due to this extension, and an estimated 8,000 more will now be able to apply for TPS.

Southwest Asia 


Talks and negotiations in Saudi Arabia have sparked hope for a lasting ceasefire. According to the U.S. Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking, significant developments have been made over the last few weeks between the Houthi delegation and Saudi Arabia, with both sides meeting in person to discuss the war. With 18 months of relative de-escalation and no cross border attacks, Lenderking is hopeful that the decade-long conflict might come to an end. While each side has different objectives, their continued negotiations following the official end to the truce are a good sign.

However, tensions with neighboring countries could pose a problem for this peace process. On October 27th, a Houthi drone injured six people in major explosions, hitting two Egyptian towns. According to US officials, this drone was meant to target Israel. This runs the risk of trapping Yemen in yet another cycle of conflict that could cause the war in Yemen to pick back up. Further involvement in other wars runs the risk of provoking retaliatory strikes from the US and its allies as well. 


In Aleppo, Arab tribesmen briefly took control over two villages in a stand against the U.S.-supported Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Ongoing tensions and conflict have resulted in 45 casualties since the latest outbreak of violence, including civilians and children. A camp for internally displaced people (IDP) was also shelled by Syrian forces, killing two. This is the latest in a string of attacks on IDP camps

In a graduation ceremony at a military college in the Homs province, a drone attack killed 100 people and left 240 more victims wounded. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack so far. The attack has been perceived as a significant blow to Syria as attacks continue to target the northwestern provinces of Syria. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for immediate de-escalation and continues to urge them to follow UN Security Council resolutions. Conflict has also continued throughout October, with attacks by the Syrian and Russian governments killing 65 civilians and injuring 265 more. This is the most intense military escalation in nearly three years.

In response to the current political situation, hundreds of Syrians protested in southern Syria urging President Bashar al-Assad to step down, most notably in the government-held Sweida. The protests were initially driven by the war-torn country’s surging inflation and worsening economy, but have quickly shifted to call for the al-Assad government to step down. These protests have quickly turned violent as at least three protesters were wounded amid gunfire. 


On October 7th, Hamas launched a massive assault in Southern Israel, one of its deadliest assaults in years. An estimated 1,400 people were killed in the attack and 242 were taken hostage. So far, only 4 have been released and 1 has been rescued. In response, Israel declared war on Hamas, beginning renewed attacks in Gaza. On October 9th, the Defence Minister of Israel announced a total blockade of Gaza, blocking all access to electricity, food, water, gas, and other essentials. 

The blockade is enforced and thoroughly monitored by Israeli tanks and drones at the Gaza-Israel border fence. Although some relief vehicles have been allowed to pass the Rafah crossing, UN representatives stress that considerably more aid is required to address basic human requirements. Gas for backup generators, which power incubators and other vital equipment, has been scarce in hospitals due to Israel’s blockade on fuel deliveries to Gaza, forcing the region’s lone power plant to close.

The humanitarian crisis in Palestine is rapidly aggravating an already dire situation as Israeli airstrikes and lack of necessities increase the death toll. With almost 2 million civilians populated in a 139-square-mile territory, the Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated areas on Earth. According to The Gaza Health Ministry, the death toll among Palestinains has passed 7,000. Furthermore, Israel has ordered the evacuation of 1 million people in 24 hours from northern Gaza. As they evacuated, 70 were killed in Israeli airstrikes. Both the blockade and Israeli siege of the region are still in effect now. 

East and Southeast Asia


Over the last few months, the Burmese military junta has targeted medical facilities and staff in rural areas with airstrikes and raids. It has attacked medical facilities using a map of public hospitals and clinics it created in 2019, and according to recent investigations, has destroyed all but one in a specific area of the country affected by fighting. Additionally, at least 29 people were killed and 59 people were injured in a military raid at an IDP camp, a camp for internally displaced people, in the Kachin state. As the death toll of anti-junta soldiers rises, these attacks have been condemned by the U.S. State Department.

The United Kingdom, Canada, and Taiwan have condemned Burma for the recent purges on political opponents as well. As Burma prepares for next year’s elections, many experts have criticized these actions and its plans to tightly control elections as a way of getting rid of potential rivals and maintaining control over the public. The U.S. has also approved an additional $116 million in humanitarian aid for Burma, Bangladesh, and surrounding regions to support Rohingya refugees who have fled Burma. 

After a failure to implement the five-point consensus plan to end the crisis in Burma, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has condemned the continuation of violence in Burma. The nation will now be barred from high-profile ASEAN events because of its continued attacks on civilians and lack of compliance with the agreement. A spokesperson from the junta has rejected the statement from ASEAN, claiming that its perspective was not taken into account when drafting the consensus. Burma was originally slated to chair the 10-member regional grouping meeting in 2026, but the other regional leaders have now agreed that the Philippine would assume that role instead.

East Turkistan (Xinjiang, China)

The 74th anniversary of China’s invasion of the East Turkistan region was condemned on October 12th by many Uyghurs advocating for the national sovereignty of the people of East Turkistan. The region is still struggling to restore equity and freedom, and it is important to recognize the false statements China continues to release about the situational aspects of the institutions which Uyghur muslims are being forced into. The East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) continues to call for international recognition of the East Turkistan region and the genocide still taking place there.

Additionally, a document written by a senior Chinese official was recently released, stating that Dr. Rahile Dawut, a Uyghur professor and ethnographer, had been sentenced to life in prison on charges of endangering national security. She went missing in 2017 and is just one of the many Uyghur Muslims who have been subject to unjust maltreatment by the Chinese government. Her story represents the ongoing struggle of the Uyghur Muslims, as well as other Muslim ethnic minorities who strive to protect themselves, their families, and their cultures.

The Chinese government continues to violate international human rights and conceal this oppression by labeling camps as vocational education and training centers. Uyghur inmates at Keriye Prison in East Turkistan (Xinjiang) China have been forced into labor in poor conditions for long hours in fields and factories. While the Chinese government claims that these work programs are economically beneficial, they only further the exploitation of the Uyghur people. The abuses of Uyghur Muslims in the Keriye Prison are part of a wider scale of abuses in East Turkistan that are still denied by China.

North America

United States

Gun violence continues to run rampant in the U.S. with 587 mass shootings taking place so far in 2023. Continued shootings across the country only spark up more debates about gun control and gun violence across the country. The 500th mass shooting was marked in the Gun Violence Archive after a deadly shooting in Denver, Colorado occurred, leaving four wounded and a fifth victim later discovered. Another attack in Lewiston, Maine left 18 dead and 13 injured in the deadliest shooting in the entire history of the state. 

Jewish and Palestinian communities in the United States are grieving the monumental loss of civilian lives in Israel and Palestine following escalated violence and renewed global attention to the conflict. Social tensions, political divides, and misinformation have grown exponentially in the wake of this catastrophe. According to the Anti-Defamation League, antisemitic hate incidents are already at a three-year high. Additionally, the FBI reported 158 Islamophobic and 92 anti-Arab hate incidents in 2022. This month, Wadea Al-Fayoume, a Palestinian Muslim boy in Illinois, was murdered during a hate crime that also severely injured his mother. Peace organizations like Solutions Not Sides are urging people to be mindful of rhetoric that fuels antisemitism and Islamophobia when addressing current events. 

In other news, President Joe Biden requested around $14 billion of military aid for Israel and allocated $100 million of humanitarian aid for Gaza. Representative Cori Bush and others introduced a Ceasefire Now Resolution. However, the United States vetoed a resolution for a ceasefire at the United Nations Security Council. Amid nationwide protests, Jewish Voice for Peace staged a rally at the National Mall and a sit-in at the Capitol to express solidarity with Palestinians. Two Israeli-American hostages, Judith and Natalie Raanan, were the first to be released by the terrorist group, Hamas, while above 200 people remain in captivity. 


Alishba Waqar is a senior at Westfield High School. She contributed to the Yemen and Palestine portions of this update.

Anne-Sophie Hellman is a senior at Buffalo State University majoring in History. She contributed to the United States portion of this update. 

Anika Gera is a junior at Terre Haute South Vigo High School. She contributed to the East Turkistan and United States portions of this update.

Grace Harris is a junior at UCLA majoring in International Development Studies. She contributed to the Tigray, Ethiopia portion of this update. 

Jerry Harris is a graduate student at George Mason University in the Mass Atrocity and Genocide Prevention certificate program. He contributed to the Sudan portion of this update.

Seng Hkawn Myitung is a junior at Albemarle High School. They contributed to the Burma and Syria portions of this update.

Mira Mehta is a junior at Brown University studying economics and international & public affairs.  She contributed to the Cameroon portion of this update.

STAND Conflict Update: Summer 2023

Here at STAND, we operate on a school-year based schedule. While we aren’t active during the summer, important events related to genocide, mass atrocities, and human rights still take place across the world. Because of this, the Managing Committee has worked on a mini summer update on our four priority regions: Burma, Yemen, East Turkistan, and the United States. Starting next month, we will return to our regular conflict update schedule!



The U.S. has imposed new sanctions on the military junta’s defense ministry, the state-owned Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank (MFTB), and the Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank (CICB), accusing them of spending over one billion dollars on natural resources, arms, and oil from Russia. In response, its spokespeople have claimed that the U.S. is doing this to create political and economic problems for the nation. These sanctions have been applauded by opponents of the junta’s regime, many of whom have called for imposing additional sanctions on Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) because the company continues to fund and support the junta.

At the same time, fighting between the junta and resistance fighters has left at least 26 civilians, including 6 children, dead. More than a hundred soldiers marched into Mobye, a group of villages in a predominantly-Karenni minority region, and arrested over 100 residents. Many were detained and released after a few days, but others were shot in their homes or caught in the crossfire. The junta continues to remain silent on the release of any information about the fighting in Mobye.

Additionally, it has blocked humanitarian aid from reaching those recovering from Cyclone Mocha in the Rakhine state. Many Burmese aid workers believe that this is politically-motivated. The blockage of this aid has made it difficult for aid workers to properly access damage, and they believe that the junta weaponized the cyclone to further bolster their control over minority ethnic groups. During the storm, it provided minimal notice or support for the evacuation of the 600,000 Rohingya detained in the region.


Over the month, the EU has continued to place sanctions on Burma’s ruling junta. This is the seventh round of sanctions imposed by the EU, and it has banned travel and frozen the assets of six individuals and the state-controlled No. 2 Mining Enterprise (ME 2).

Violence has continually been increasing in the Mindat area of the Chin State as well. The Mindat Chinland Defense Force has sent out warnings to civilians regarding military airstrikes. They have advised civilians against gathering in large groups and encouraged them to build bunkers and shelters for protection. This comes at the same time as attacks in late June and throughout July, where multiple villages in the Chin State have been targeted. Due to this ongoing conflict, over 1.5 million internally displaced persons have been recorded during this two-year period. Countless people have faced atrocities such as the burning of villages and food sources as well, leading to these high rates of displacement.


Early this month, deposed leaders Aung San Suu Kyi and Win Myint were granted a partial pardon by the ruling military junta, although both remain in prison. However, the nation has once again postponed elections and extended the state of emergency, claiming that ongoing violence necessitates it. The National Unity Government, a group that claims to be the legitimate government of Burma, has said that this reflects the military’s lust for power and has called for revolutionary action.

Additionally, August 25 marked six years since the Rohingya Genocide began. Thousands of refugees rallied in honor of International Rohingya Genocide Rememberance Day to draw attention to this ongoing crisis. Nearly 740,000 Rohingya were forced to flee the country when conditions escalated and the former Burmese Government began the genocide. Six years later under new military rule, little has changed. The junta has continued persecuting minority groups still in the country and refugees live in uncertain conditions with recent cuts to food aid. Still, there is hope for peace and stability.



Conflict between pro-Yemeni government forces and suspected al-Qaeda forces left three people dead in southern Yemen, reflecting the ongoing tensions in the nation’s civil war. Despite this, there is a general trend towards reconciliation. Saudi Arabian and Houthi forces agreed to exchange the bodies of dead fighters on both sides, and flights between Yemen and Saudi Arabia are now allowed. This comes after a series of peace talks to end the eight-year conflict and seems to be a step in that direction. 

However, in Yemen’s capital Sana’a, seventeen people were detained because they belonged to the minority Baha’i religion after a peaceful meeting was stormed by security forces.The Houthi have labeled the detainees as religious traitors and have called for their deaths unless they convert. Multiple other arrests have been made regarding hate speech and violence towards the Baha’i minority since this occurred, and the UN has denounced this persecution.


Throughout July, diplomatic efforts continued to reconcile Saudi Arabia and the Houthis. Since the truce expired last October, Yemen has been in a stalemate. Neither side seems inclined to compromise, although hostilities have decreased greatly. While those in power negotiate, the people of Yemen continue to advocate for peace. Over 40 Yemen-based organizations co-signed the Yemen Declaration for Justice and Reconciliation, highlighting the atrocities civilians have faced during the conflict and calling for accountability, reparations, and survivor-centered justice.


Negotiations between Yemen’s pro-government forces, the Saudi Arabian-led coalition that backs them, and the Houthi rebel group have continued with little change. Continued instability only serves to hurt civilians and promotes extremist groups. While these conflicting sides are willing to negotiate, there are no direct plans yet for lasting change. 

As these peace talks take place, another mass atrocity has been reported in Yemen. Over the last year, hundreds of Ethiopian migrants have been killed by Saudi Arabian border guards as they tried to cross over from Yemen. Many Ethiopians migrate for economic reasons, while others are refugees fleeing the conflict in Tigray and other human rights abuses. While it is not yet clear if these systematic murders are official Saudi policy, they have been internationally denounced.

East Turkistan 


Temu, a Chinese e-commerce and fast-fashion site, has been found to be linked to forced Uyghur labor in East Turkistan. Multiple products sold on Temu were made in factories in East Turkistan or with cotton from there. Despite the sanctions imposed by the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, companies like Temu and Shein have found a loophole because they fall below the $800 minimum value that requires them to report to US Customs and Border Protection.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and endorsed China’s treatment of the Uyghur people, claiming that it is countering terrorism and extremism. This statement was heavily criticized by human rights activists and organizations for delegitimizing the severity and existence of the Uyghur genocide. A representative of the Arab League has also recently visited Beijing and praised the Chinese government for their work in East Turkistan. Many human rights experts believe that this is just more propaganda spread by the Chinese government.

Additionally, a group of human rights organizations have sent a joint letter to the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, urging him to address China’s human rights violations, particularly concerning the Uyghur people, ahead of his visit to Beijing. The letter calls for a new approach and recommends supporting international investigations, releasing human rights defenders, seeking accountability for detained family members of U.S. citizens and promoting press freedom. 


On Wednesday July 5, the 14th anniversary of the Urumqi Massacre, the East Turkistan National Awakening Movemen organized a protest outside of the White House to draw attention to China’s continued genocide against the Uyghur people. Protesters chanted “time to stop the genocide” while carrying the flag of East Turkistan. Later this month, the World Uyghur Congress released a statement commemorating the victims of the Yarkand Massacre of July 28, 2014. The Yarkand Massacre resulted in the death of over 100 Uyghur people during a peaceful rally in Yarkand County in China at the hands of Chinese security forces. It was the bloodiest act of violence committed against the Uyghur people since the Urumqi Massacre of 2009. The World Uyghur Congress continues to urge governments and other human rights groups to work together to combat the Uyghur genocide.

Around the same time as these protests, China started a 100-day “Strike Hard” campaign against the Uyghur people in East Turkistan. Within these 100 days, the authorities will be cracking down on gatherings of more than 30 people, raiding people’s homes, and restricting Muslim and Uyghur cultural practices. Chinese authorities claim that this is just a part of regular action to combat illegal activities, but many human rights activists and Uyghur people living in East Turkistan that this campaign is just another effort to persecute the Uyghurs.

Efforts to prevent the use of forced Uyghur labor have increased in multiple countries as well. Canada has launched an investigation into Nike Canada and Dynasty Gold after a coalition of human rights groups filed claims that they used Uyghur forced labor. In response, Nike issued a statement saying they no longer have ties to the companies accused of using forced Uyghur labor, and one of Dynasty Gold’s chief executives called the report completely false. In Germany, Volkswagen has also agreed to complete an independent audit of their East Turkistan plant in China after pressure from human rights groups. To expand on previous sanctions, the US has reintroduced the Sanctioning Supporters of Slave Labor Act in Congress, a bill that would expand sanctions to include foreign companies that conduct business with companies known to contribute to human rights violations against the Uyghurs in East Turkistan.


On August 26, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech in Urumqi, the capital of East Turkistan, where he emphasized the government’s priority to maintain social stability in the region through hardline policies. He also highlighted the Chinese government’s efforts to “sinocize” Islam and called for further anti-terrorism efforts in East Turkistan. These policies have actually worked to persecute the Uyghur people, criminalizing and erasing their religion, language, and culture. 

President Xi Jinping has also called for more tourism in East Turkistan as China reopens to tourists after the pandemic. In response to this, many Uyghur activists and organizations have condemned the Chinese government. They stress to western tourists that casual tourism in East Turkistan normalizes Uyghur oppression. Multiple travel companies offer tours of the Id Kah mosque, where Uyghur Muslims are banned from prayer, the Xinjiang Regional Museum, which has been criticized for erasing history, and cities that host Uyghur detention centers.

Earlier this month, China invited leaders from multiple countries to promote tourism in the region as well and has increased its efforts to promote a happy image of East Turkistan. While the consensus of the visit was that no forced labor or human rights violations were taking place, Uyghur human rights groups have claimed that this was a propaganda tour. Diplomats and ambassadors were shown a version of East Turkistan that aligns with China’s narrative, and each was from a country that has strong economic ties to China and little incentive to criticize it.

United States


Since the expiration of Title 42, a Trump-era policy that used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to force immigrants back across the border to Mexico, other restrictions on immigration have been instituted by the Biden Administration. The Pathways Rule requires migrants to apply for an asylum appointment and wait in the country they traveled through– a practice that has been challenged by civil rights groups for violating the right to claim asylum on US soil. At the same time, anti-immigrant sentiments remain high with calls to end birthright citizenship, stop a perceived “invasion” of migrants, and finish building a border wall by Florida Governor and Presidential Candidate Ron DeSantis.

Additionally, the state of LGBTQ+ rights in the United States is concerning. The Human Rights Campaign has declared a state of emergency in the country because over 75 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been signed into law this year alone. The Supreme Court has also ruled that businesses are allowed to discriminate based on religious views. On a more positive note, it also reaffirmed the rights of Indigenous children to stay with their tribes by upholding the Indian Child Welfare Act when it was challenged in a lawsuit.


A new immigration program has been put into place that will allow more South American asylum-seekers in Mexico to come to the United States as refugees. Although these migrants must go through a long and challenging process to prove that they were persecuted in their home countries, this program is an important step that will put many on the path to legal residency and citizenship. Additionally, refugee admissions in general have been on the rise in the US, with over 38,000 people admitted in 2023 so far. While this is higher than previous years, it is still far from the goal of resettling 125,000 people.

Additionally, the US House of Representatives passed a controversial defense spending bill this month. Alongside funding for the military, House Republicans added amendments banning flying the pride flag at military bases, ending funds for transgender healthcare in the military, cutting Department of Defense diversity, equity, and inclusion plans, and revoking a previous policy that offered time off and travel reimbursement for military members who have to go to another state to get an abortion. This bill is not yet law since it has to pass the Senate as well, and it has been met with resistance from Democratic members of Congress.


Although abortion rights continue to be under attack at the state level across the country, the Texas abortion ban has been temporarily lifted because it prosecuted doctors for performing abortions during medical emergencies. However, similar lawsuits in South Carolina and Nebraska failed, leaving the respective six-week and twelve-week abortion bans in place.

There are also over 30 new laws targeting LGBTQ rights in the classroom that have come into effect as the new school year started. Policies include book bans, idea censorship, requirements to out students to their families, restrictions on what pronouns teachers and students can use, and more. Because of policies like these, as well as bans on gender-affirming healthcare, Canada recently issued a travel warning for members of the LGBTQ community who plan to visit the United States.