Education Update, 4/3/14
Sudan and South Sudan The video below covers the struggle of peacekeepers and other NGO officials to maintain adequate living conditions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) living within UNMIS camps… Read more…
Sudan and South Sudan The video below covers the struggle of peacekeepers and other NGO officials to maintain adequate living conditions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) living within UNMIS camps… Read more…
This week we compiled a series of Storify presentations about our perennial conflicts as well as “emerging” conflicts. Storify collects information from all over the web (e.g. tweets, articles, videos,… Read more…
Nadine Fattaleh is STAND’s Syria Conflict Coordinator and a student at Columbia University. Looking through a newsfeed for the crisis in Syria would show photos of destruction: the destruction of… Read more…
This is STAND’s “Ask of the Week”, a short, relevant ask that you can participate individually or with your chapter! Contact our Policy Coordinator, Danny Hirschel-Burns at with any questions. Our… Read more…
Cara Reichard is a junior political science major at Stanford University and STAND’s DRC conflict coordinator. In early November, after a significant military victory in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo… Read more…
This piece was written by Colleen Fonseca, STAND’s Emerging Conflicts Coordinator. Colleen is junior at St. John’s University in NYC and can be reached at colleenfonseca 7 at gmail dotcom…. Read more…
This piece was written by Colleen Fonseca, STAND’s Emerging Conflicts Coordinator. Colleen is junior at St. John’s University in NYC and can be reached at colleenfonseca 7 at gmail dotcom…. Read more…
Danny Hirschel-Burns is STAND’s Policy Coordinator. He is currently a senior at Swarthmore College studying Peace and Conflict Studies and spent the past summer interning for The Sentinel Project. To… Read more…
This week we’ve included our Ask of the Week with our Education Update so you can learn and take action at the same time! Check out this week’s ask directed… Read more…
This piece was written by our Alex Colley Hart, STAND’s Burma Education Specialist. Alex is a junior at Indiana University with a major in Internatinal Relations and a minor in… Read more…