Weekly News Brief 12/06/12
BREAKING: Reports are surfacing of the possible use of White Phosphorous by a Syrian military helicopter. White Phosphorous can cause severe chemical burns, and the smoke vapors can cause illness or even… Read more…
BREAKING: Reports are surfacing of the possible use of White Phosphorous by a Syrian military helicopter. White Phosphorous can cause severe chemical burns, and the smoke vapors can cause illness or even… Read more…
The STAND Education Team hopes you had a great break! Our news brief is a bit longer this week due to the holiday hiatus. Please also take a look at… Read more…
Colonel Albert Kahasha and 35 fighters from other rebel groups including the Raia Mutomboki and Nyatura armed groups surrendered in Bukavu on Monday.
By Alex Colley Hart, Burma Education Coordinator
On Monday, November 5, the government of Sudan was condemned for ‘arresting and summarily executing 16 civilians of the Nuba tribe.’ According to Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, spokesman of the (SPLM-N), the government executed the civilians because they were ‘suspected to be SPLM/A-N supporters’. Paramount chief Adam Juju and his brother Abdalla Juju had been targeted since the May 2011 elections, ‘because of their ethnic background’ and support for the SPLM-N candidate.
By Christine Ly, National Media Task Force
By Alex Colley Hart, Burma Education Coordinator
This week, clashes have continued in Aleppo, Damascus, and Homs. On Wednesday, September 26, there were two explosions near the Damascus general headquarters of Syria’s army.
On Tuesday night, an armed group attacked the US embassy in Libya, leading to the deaths of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other US personnel. The attack was spurred by protests over an amateur film, “The Innocence of Muslims,” which mocks and insults the Prophet Muhammad.