The student-led movement to end mass atrocities.

Durham Academy Completed Over 100 Calls to 1-800-Genocide

 Event Planning

The Durham Academy High School STAND Core Chapter is holding a pizza event to encourage people to call 1-800-GENOCIDE and sign our petition to urge North Carolina Senator Burr and Senator Hagen to cosponsor Senate Concurrent Resolution 71 in support of genocide prevention. We plan on giving a free slice of pizza, funded by our STAND grant money, to any student who performs these simple, but important, tasks. The event will take place on Friday, December 10th as part of the ‘Tis the Season to STAND’ campaign, and we have a total of 100 pieces of pizza to distribute. After the event, we will alert our school and local newspaper of our event outcome in order to bring more awareness to Senate Concurrent Resolution 71 and to STAND.

With the second part of our grant money, we are placing an advertisement in our local newspaper, The News and Observer. In this advertisement, we are encouraging our fellow community members to call 1-800-GENOCIDE to urge our senators to support Sen. Con. Res 71, and then to urge Secretary Clinton to appoint a Darfur Diplomat. Therefore, we plan on getting our whole community involved in bring awareness and advocating for genocide prevention.

Successful Event

Durham Academy STAND’s Pizza Event went really well! All 108 pieces of pizza were gone! We had over 100 calls to 1-800-GENOCIDE, where people urged Secretary Clinton to appoint a Darfur diplomat, and urged North Carolina Senators Burr and Hagan to support Senate Concurrent Resolution 71. We also got about 80 signatures on each of our petitions urging Senators Burr and Hagan to support S.Con.Res 71 as well, and these petitions are being sent to their office. Furthermore, our advertisement in the News and Observer looked great, and we hope that it raises awareness about STAND and how simple and easy it is to call 1-800-GENOCIDE. We plan on writing an article for our school’s newspaper about our event, and also submitting an article to our local newspaper about our event and how easy it is to get involved in genocide prevention efforts. This is our chapters first year, and we feel that by doing this event we not only helped advocate in support of genocide prevention and participate in the 12 Days of STAND, but we also helped to establish a presence at our school.

Submitted by Durham Academy STAND




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