This past weekend at STAND’s National Student Conference, many of you attended the “Introducing Congo” panel and heard from experts about the ongoing conflict in eastern DRC. Throughout the rest of the conference, and during the workshop on STAND’s evolution into a multi-conflict organization, I heard from many of you who were excited to learn more about the Congo and to discuss how STAND can and should engage.
Given events over the past two weeks, this is a particularly apt time to turn out attention to the conflict in DRC. Last week, ethnic Tutsi rebels led by General Laurent Nkunda launched a major offensive in the east of the country, threatening to take the provincial capital of Goma. This resurgence of violence has put tens of thousands of lives newly at risk and threatens to completely unravel an internationally-backed peace process and spark a return to regional war. The UN, the United States, Britain, France, and members of the South African Development Community (SADC) have all stepped in to try to restore stability, but the situation remains volatile.
Join STAND tonight at 9 pm EST to discuss the latest news from the region, the implications of the current situation, and any other questions, comments, or thoughts you have about Congo. Just call (269)-320-8300 and punch in the pincode 349902# when asked. We look forward to talking with you all soon!
-Nina McMurry, Congo Education Coordinator