A couple of weeks ago, a student from a nearby university emailed me, asking for feedback on an event he wanted to host. He told me he was so upset about the genocide, and that he wanted orchestrate something really big and radical.
Well, I’m a sucker for big and radical, so I got all gung-ho and gave him more than my two-pence. Then I asked him if he was a member of the established, rockin’ STAND chapter at his school. He wasn’t. A motivated, big-dreaming activist and he didn’t even know that they were around! So I introduced him to his local STAND chapter leaders, and now they have combined powers and are probably going to pull off the sweetest event ever.
How cool is that? (Answer: it’s really cool).
The moral of the story: Do you have a question? A frustration? Suggestion? Anything ending in –ion? Yo! Use your ROCs! We are mostly nice and can really help. And if we can’t, we know someone who can.
Peace and love from a ROC,
Olivia Munn, Southeast College Regional Outreach Coordinator