The student-led movement to end mass atrocities.

Take Action to Influence the Presidential and VP Debates Now!

On September 26th and October 2nd, Jim Lehrer and Gwen Ifill of PBS will each moderate a presidential and vice-presidential debate. It’s our responsibility to make sure that both moderators ask the candidates about their Darfur policies.

We’re calling on all activists to write letters to Gwen Ifill and Jim Lehrer urging them to ask a question about Darfur. Address letters to each moderator at:

MacNeil/Lehrer Productions
2700 South Quincy Street
Arlington, VA 22206

To increase the impact of your letter, take the time to handwrite it. Handwritten letters demonstrate a personal commitment to stopping genocide, and hundreds of letters from you, members of your chapter, and student activists across the country will make a powerful statement to Ms. Ifill and Mr. Lehrer, one they cannot possibly ignore.

Letters can be as personal as you’d like them to be, but feel free to follow this format:

Dear Mr. Lehrer,

My name is Maggie Tiernan. I am a senior at Wellesley College in Massachusetts and a member of STAND, the student-led division of the Genocide Intervention Network.

I am writing to request that you ask the Presidential Candidates a question about their policies on the Darfur genocide during the September 26th debate you are moderating in Mississippi. In 2004, you asked Senator Kerry and President Bush about their policies on Sudan, and, four years later, the issue is still of great importance.

Since Congress and President Bush declared genocide in Darfur over four years ago, not enough has been done to stop the atrocities. Senators Obama and McCain must understand the importance of responding to the genocide in Sudan. STAND comprises over 1,000 college and high school chapters of student leaders across the country, and we can’t let the Presidential candidates forget about genocide.

Thank you for all your efforts,

Maggie Tiernan.

For tips on writing letters, more info on the moderators, or background information on the debates, email

Once you’ve sent in your letters, let us know by emailing We have a chance to make a real impact on these crucial debates and ensure that they don’t ignore genocide!


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