A comprehensive peace process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is essential in addressing the deep problem of sexual and gender-based violence. Take a few minutes to make a Valentine for President Obama asking him to prioritize the conflict in the eastern DRC and let him know that you stand with the victims and survivors of SGBV. Even if you don’t have time to plan a full-on event, you can still get your chapter members, friends, classmates, and family to participate. It’s easy:
- Make your own Valentine’s Day card or check out our sample card!
- Ask President Obama to prioritize the crisis in the eastern DRC! Encourage him to appoint a presidential envoy to lead a U.S. response to the conflict in eastern Congo. Emphasize that the U.S. government has an important role to play in working with international partners to promote a transparent, credible peace initiative in the DRC. In your Valentine’s Day card, make clear that you value the inclusion of Congolese voices that have been continually marginalized by this ongoing conflict–women, civil society, youth, and religious leaders.
- Mail your valentines (preferably in red envelopes) to President Barack Obama, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500.
- After your event, tell your Regional Organizer how many valentines you sent!